Thinking Out Loud: Rest & Airports

Oh hey everyone! I’ve been missing from the blog world for the past week and it’s truly been a nice break. So let’s try to catch up by linking up with Thinking Out Loud!


  • Coffee and kitties are my favorite way to start my morning!photo(153)
  • In just a few hours I go into the dentist office and get my wisdom teeth taken out. I’m not excited about it, but I know I need to stop putting it off. Bring on the chipmunk cheeks!
  • While I’ve been away I was able to truly rest. I think my body needed and enjoyed a break from Crossfit. It was also refreshing for my mind to get away to a new place and not have the stress and worries that fill my mind while at home. And it’s always nice to spend time with people who fill you with happiness.Jul 31 rest week
  • Airports are one of the most fascinating places to me. I absolutely love being in the airport. I love looking at all the people. Where are they going? What are they doing? Who are they? You see the true colors of people when they are dealing with delays and cancelled flights. After a evening filled with delays I was thankful to finally get home.jul 31 rain airport
  • A rainy day afternoon/night in the airport made me crave warm, savory foods. I had a cappuccino from Starbucks with a cinnamon chip scone. I forget how good cappuccinos are. I was also so thankful that I had chosen to wear skinny jeans and bring a hoodie since I was sitting in a cold place for a long time!Jul 31 Starbucks
  • Yesterday was my last Crossfit workout at the box I’ve been going to all summer. Next week I’ll return to school and will be trying out a new box once my wisdom teeth heal up. Yesterday’s workout was fun and I really enjoyed it. For 20 minutes we worked on gymnastics moves that we wanted to improve on. Many of us worked on handstands and it was a lot of fun. I definitely improved and got more okay with getting up on the wall. The WOD: 3 rounds of 3 min: 500 meter row then wall balls until time ran out. My quads were so tired!Jul 31 crossfit
  • It’s always nice to catch up with you old friends from home. It’s neat how we can be at completely different stages of our lives, but still can talk about anything.
  • I know I’ve been saying I’m moving to a new blog and I promise it’s happening soon. The design is almost done and I’m thinking by next week it’ll be complete! Eeeek! I cannot wait!
  • I can’t believe my summer is basically over. All of a sudden last week was my last time working with my Dad since I’ll be out of commission this weekend due to my wisdom teeth. But I’m ready to get my final semester of school started. Jul 31 sprinkler and dad

That’s all for today!

Tell me your thoughts!

Birthday Weekend Recap & July Goals

So last weekend was my 22nd birthday if you didn’t realize that despite all my “birthday” posts. The CrossFit box I go to designs a special WOD whenever someone has a birthday, so Friday they made one for me.


WOD: 6 Squat Cleans, 27 Box Jump Overs, 19 Pull-Ups, 92 Double Unders, 19 Pull-Ups, 27 Box Jump overs, 6 Squat Cleans.

The numbers 19 & 92 make the year I was born. The number 6 and 27, form June 27th! Nifty right?! They made me feel special, until we actually had to do the workout. Then I realized it wasn’t so special that I was dripping with sweat, and everyone was cursing my birthday workout. Haha just kidding. It was a great workout.

On Saturday I went to Lubbock, Texas to meet up with a sorority sister to celebrate our birthdays since we’re both June babies. We had lunch and tried to go shopping, but decided getting fro-yo was a better idea.

fro-yo july 1

Then we spent our afternoon at a outdoor bar restaurant place and we talked for hours. When you go from seeing someone almost every day during the week to almost once a month, you have a lot of catching up to do.


Later we went out to a few bars and had a great time. Then Sunday morning we split ways and headed back home. My time with her was too short, but I’m so happy I got to see her.


Anyways time for some July goals. You would think that since my birthday is at the end of June I would be ready and welcoming for July to arrive, but I’m not. I’m still surprised it’s here.


-Progress on pull-up form and kipping

-Consistently get toes to bar

-Improve squat form

-Run 5 miles (3 is too comfy)

-Do more yoga


– Cut back on grains.

-Eat more fruits and vegetable.

-Cook/bake more healthy variations of recipes

-Basically really try to eat Paleo.


-Enjoy spending time with my family

-Get together with my girlfriends here at home


-Be more consistent in reading a devotional/journaling


-Become self-hosted

-New Blog design

-Post 3 times a week

-Figure out which direction I want to take with my blog


-Break out my camera more often & edit my photos

-Love on our sweet baby kitties (It’s crazy how much growth happens in a month!)

kitties july 1
If I add any more goals on there I’ll have a hard time checking them off, so I’ll be realistic and stop right there. Have a joyous first day of July!

Do you have any goals set for July?



21 Things I Learned My 21st Year

21 Things confetti

21 was an interesting year for me. Not because I was of legal age, but because of some other things that happened in my life. I learned a lot this year, a whole lot. That’s what led me to write this post for my 22nd birthday, not to try to teach someone anything but to have a place where I can come back for a reminder.

And thank you to all the lovely people who have wished me happy birthday this week and today. I am so incredibly blessed to have everyone in my life whether it’s my blog friends or people I know in person.

Anyways let’s begin…

1. You can’t make everyone happy. You can try as hard as you want, but eventually you have to do what’s best for you.

2. Being 21 is expensive. Drinks are expensive. Trips to Vegas are expensive. Save yo cash money $$$.

3. You need girlfriends, not a lot just a handful. Quality, loyal, honest girlfriends who you can go to at your lowest low, but the next moment double over in stomach aching laughter with.

4. You can’t buy cheap high heels. Go to Dillards. Pay $80 for a pair of high heels. Your feet will love you.

5. You don’t need toxic people in your life. People who gossip about you and aren’t trustworthy have no place in your life. Bye.

6. 4 years flies by fast. Don’t wish your life away because like Ferris Bueller says, “If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

7. I truly met my best friends through my sorority. You’ll reaffirm this when you are sitting in your bathroom crying because you don’t want your best friends to graduate and leave.

8. It’s okay to eat Taco Bell at 2am and listen to Christmas music, just not every night.

9. Take care of your body and make it a priority. Fuel your body with real food and spend some time at the gym.

10. Sleep over at your best friends house. Eat brunch together. Watch movies together. Someday you’ll miss this.

11. But allow yourself some alone time. It’s more rejuvenating and refreshing than you realize.

12. Not everyone has the same “life plan” as you and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just because you’re not ready to get married and don’t plan on staying in your hometown doesn’t mean it’s wrong to think that way.

13. If you want to make something happen in your life, it’s up to you to take action and make it happen.

14. I thought I’d have my life figured out by the time I turned 22, but I don’t and that’s okay.

15. Stop saying “I’m sorry” for things you don’t need to apologize for.

16. Say what you need to say. Be honest about what you’re feeling whether it’s good or bad. It could save you and someone else a lot of heartache.

17. It’s not the material things that matter. You will find that the people you surround yourself with can bring you more joy than something store bought ever can.

18. Don’t forget about your parents. They brought you into this world, so let them be a part of your life.

19. Don’t take life so seriously. Let your hair down and let it all go.

20. You aren’t like anyone else. Appreciate what makes you unique and chase what you are passionate about, not what someone else says you should.

21. God is my rock and my refuge. Even when it felt like He wasn’t listening to me, he was. I just had to wait for his own timing.

“The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need…He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid for you are close beside me.” Psalm 23: 1,3-4