Thinking Out Loud #5

For today’s blog post I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud!

Here we goooo!

1. I miss my friends, but it’s so nice when I get to see them. One of my best friends came to town, so I met her for lunch on Wednesday. Sadly, lunch went by too quickly and she had to get back home. Seeing her and catching up completely made my day. It also made me realize how much I miss my friends. I miss seeing them every day and spending my weekends with them.



2. Sometimes I forget what it feels like to wear makeup, especially during the summer. Summer is time for mascara free eyes and wearing my hair in weird ways with a headband. I look kinda creepy in this photo.


3. Not all smoothies I attempt to make work out. I had this grand idea to make a smoothie with instant coffee, peanut butter, a banana, some spinach, and almond milk. I don’t know where I went wrong in my proportions, but I did. So yesterday was a smoothie fail. And evidently I drank it anyways. I was hungry.


4. This article. Read it: 28 things no 20 something year old wants to hear

As an unmarried 21 year old who isn’t married and has no children, I get asked a lot of these questions. Let me put a few of my favorites from that list:

Are you the last of your friends who is still single? From home I’m literally 1 of 2 people left who isn’t married.

When are you going to get married? Ummm don’t I need to get engaged first? Once that happens then you can ask me.

Oh, you’re single?  I know someone of the opposite gender who is also single.  I can set you up. No matter if I’m single or not people like to make suggestions. No I’m not interested.

 5. Be present now. I’ll be honest. My mind is consumed with what I’m going to be doing in the future after December. And the funny thing is, I haven’t even started student teaching yet. So I have to remind myself that I have a ways to go before I can really thing about post-graduation things. A lot can happen in half a year. So I need to focus more on not thinking about the past or future, for it does no good. It’s a waste of brain power. And this blonde needs to preserve all the brain power possible. I need to enjoy where I am now. I need to focus on the people I’m surrounded by now. I know God has a plan for me and that will lead me in the right direction when the time comes.

6. I love breakfast. It’s as simple as that. On the left is oatmeal with peanut butter, cinnamon, strawberries, and blueberries. On the right is protein pancakes from this morning. One of them may or may not have a few chocolate chips inside. I’m a wild one. I know.


7. You know the saying “Dance like no one is watching.” You have to watch this video of this little girl at her dance recital. She is gettin’ it. She doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. It’s hilarious.

8. You can’t beat a New Mexico sunset. I caught this on my bike ride down the road last night.


On the agenda for the rest of the day is see what kind of work my Dad has for me to do. Later this afternoon I’ll go visit the chiropractor and then off to Crossfit!

Do you wear makeup everyday? What is one question you get consistently asked?

I Dropped My Iced Coffee

So this happened this morning:

Luckily it was a slow morning so nobody actually saw the incident, but basically it went everywhere except on my clothes. I went back inside prepared to whip out my card, but when I told the barista what happened she said not to worry about it and hooked me up with a new one. My day was truly made by the people working at Barnes & Noble this morning.


Summer has officially arrived for me!! In celebration we’re going to listen to “Summer” by my boyfriend Calvin Harris. You didn’t know we were dating? Hmm…everyone seems to be surprised when I say that.

I can’t believe I’m done with having undergrad classes and finals to take. Next semester I’ll be student teaching and will only have a seminar class once a week that won’t even be on the university campus. I truly am looking forward to all these changes coming up and summer is going to fly by.

Last night after my class ended I headed to the gym to get in a much needed workout. I went to the weight room and worked my legs. Sometimes I forgot how much I love working out after I’ve been stressed or after a long day which Thursday was a combination of both. I enjoy being by myself in there and being able to escape from the world for a little while.


I went out with my friends last night for one of our last Thursdays out together. To be honest I’m glad this “going out” stage is coming to an end and I think my friends would agree. We had a lot of fun together, but it’s just the same places and the same weird people. And sometimes I just want to stay at home and watch Downton Abbey.


Some hard “goodbyes” are going to be said this weekend and the emotions I expected to be feeling just haven’t risen up yet. It’s comforting to know that it’s not like I won’t see these girls again because I’ll see them a few times this summer. We’re saying goodbye to the life we’ve known for four years together and hello to a new stage in our lives. Maybe I’m being too reflective on this whole “everyone is leaving” crisis, but it’s nice to write about it. I promise after this weekend I won’t talk about it anymore.

And now let’s enjoy some great random pins from Pinterest:


Aside from graduation this weekend I plan on spending my weekend doing some cleaning and hopefully spending some time outside. I’m praying the wind will settle down this weekend so I can enjoy the beautiful weather out here in the Land of Enchantment. Have a great Friday everyone and enjoy your weekend!

Have you ever dropped your coffee after just getting it? What’s on your weekend agenda?



Thinking Out Loud #2

  • I”m linking up with Running With Spoons for today’s Thinking Out Loud post.
  • I’m done with all of my work with finals!!! I just have to go to class tonight and meet with my photography professor tomorrow. I feel like I’m on summer break because I don’t have any school work to be working on! It’s amazing how at that the beginning of the semester I always wonder how I’m going to get all this work done, but somehow I always get it done! It’s such a relieving feeling.

  • I had brownies for breakfast this morning. My sister had made brownies one night earlier this week. I got up early this morning to finish a paper revision and I thought coffee and a brownie would give me the encouragement I needed. It definitely did because I finished my paper, but I had to have another brownie for celebratory reasons of being done.


  • I had so much fun at my sorority’s Crown Ball last Friday! I took the best date and had a great time with my sorority sisters and their dates too! We started our evening out at a nice restaurant that is also a winery. I don’t drink wine normally, but it was nice to do it for a special occasion. It’s not like I’m a serious wine drinker because I only like moscato which basically tastes like juice!




  • Hamlet I’m so glad to be done working with you this semester. I enjoyed trying to decipher your inconsistent behavior, but in the end I’m glad I can finally put your play and the rest of this Shakespeare book on the shelf.


  • Finals week has been rough as far as eating healthy goes. A lot of my classes always have food there like pizza or sweet things like cupcakes. And at work this week it seems like there is cake or cookies every day! But honestly am I complaining about it? No I’m really not. I’m just pointing out why my health is in the decline this week. Sometimes I really do wish I didn’t like sweet stuff.


  • Doesn’t making decisions suck? I had to make a decision today that I didn’t want to make. I’m someone who is very aware and conscious of the feelings of other people. When you have to make a decision that will be negative for one party and positive for another party it’s really tough. But at the end of the day my family has to come first and though it sucks to have to make hard decisions I know I made the right one.


That’s about all I have left to say for today! Soon I’ll be off to my last class for the semester!

Do you ever have dessert for breakfast? Do you like wine?